Brian House

Although she won’t remember, her first Christmas in 2019 was spent in hospital recovering from a serious operation to relieve pressure on her brain. But we remember her second Christmas so well because that was the year Brian House came to visit to provide their expert care, armed with a sack full of goodies for […]

Brian House

“Brian House helps to take my mind off the terrifying things I have been through. It’s my happy place.” Kenzie is 15. She was diagnosed with Acute Lymphatic Leukaemia in 2018. She’s had chemotherapy, a bone marrow transplant and a specialist therapy to modify the T Cells in her blood to attack cancer markers. She’s […]

Brian House

To look at Oliver, he looks like any other baby his age. He’s such a happy little baby, loves his food and, so far (when he’s not teething), he’s a good sleeper. But he’s also a fighter. When he was born, he wasn’t breathing and had eight separate bleeds on his brain. The smallest movements […]

Brian House

Toby is 22 months old, and has already had six operations. He needs constant help just to breathe, which requires round-the-clock care. His exhausted parents were finally able to leave the house to do a food shop thanks to a Brian House At Home visit. This is their story. We had been to Brian House […]

Brian House

Vanessa and her family had to come with terms with the fact that it was time to say goodbye to their precious daughter. They wanted as much time as possible with her – which is where Brian House came in.

Brian House

My little boy Charlie died at Brian House, your local children’s hospice. But the special times we had there are now some of my most precious memories.

Brian House

People always ask us why we do so much for Brian House when we have never had to use their services. We always answer: ‘someone’s children aren’t as fortunate right now, and one day it might be ours’.

Brian House

The pub has been fundraising for Brian House for several years, but decided to ‘go big’ during the children’s hospice 21st birthday year

Brian House

I couldn’t believe I won the Lottery and at the time I did – so close to our Wedding.