Brian House Children's Hospice is committed to the provision of high quality care and continuous improvement. If we fail to meet expectations, we hope you will tells us.

We are always glad to have feedback about any area of our services, both positive and negative

If you are unhappy with any aspect of  your child's care, treatment or stay, please speak to a member of staff in the first instance, as we would like to take the opportunity to put things right immediately.

Complaints are investigated and responded to in line with ‘best practice’.

If I raise concerns or make a complaint, will this affect my future care?

We assure you that your care will not be affected if you complain: Brian Hosue welcomes feedback from our patients' families and friends.

Who can complain?

Anyone whose child is receiving or has received treatment or services from Brian House Children's Hospice. You can request a copy of our complaints policy from a member of staff.

Do I have to put my complaint in writing?

No, wherever possible you should tell a member of staff about the complaint. In many cases, it should be possible to sort out the problem straight away.  Brian House will treat complaints with the same seriousness whether verbal
or written.

What happens next?

If the complaint is made verbally to a member of staff they will deal with it, but will make a simple written record so we can be sure what the concern is about and ask you to sign this record to ensure that we have got all the facts right.

The complaints procedure

Written complaints are dealt with by the Clinical Director or her deputy. This will be acknowledged either in writing or telephone within two working days of receipt. Ideally we will try to meet with the complainant within 48 hours, to establish what the complaint is about. We feel that face to face meeting is the most effective way of dealing
with complaints and we have found from experience that attempts to deal with them by correspondence alone  tends to inflame the situation as the complainant feels they are ‘not being listened to’.

Following this a full investigation will happen and a further meeting will be arranged within five days to give a full explanation of the findings of the investigation. If the complainant has indicated that they do not want to meet, they will be informed of the outcome by letter within 25 working days.

What if I’m still unhappy?

If the matter is not satisfactorily resolved, the patient,  family or friend may discuss the complaint with the Chief Executive, who will investigate further. The Chief Executive will consider opportunities for involving the Trustees in such investigations so that all possibilities for resolving complaints are explored before the complaint has to go outside the organisation.

If you have experienced poor care...

If you have experienced poor care you  can tell the Care Quality Commission  who use this information when inspecting health and social care services including Brian House Children's Hospice. Please be aware that they do not settle individual complaints.