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‘Too Little, Too Late’ – International Research on Paediatric and Palliative Care

Friday 14th September, 2018 at 9:00am To 14/09/2018 5:00 pm at 5:00pm

Trinity Hospice Conference Centre

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Trinity Hospice is hosting this conference on international research on paediatric and palliative care, titled ‘Too little, Too late’.

This event takes place on Friday 14th September 2018. There are limited places available so we recommend booking early.

Early Bird prices: (until 1st June 2018)
Early Bird rate: £80
Student Early Bird rate: £60

Prices after 1st June:
Standard rate: £100
Student Standard rate: £80

To book your place(s) please complete this booking form and return it to Jane Dunbar-Dempsey at or call 01253 359386 OR Sign up below online.

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