This isn’t your average fun run, so please ensure you have read and agreed to these terms and conditions before registering to take part in our Bubble Rush event.
- These booking terms and conditions apply to everyone who takes part in Bubble Rush and those who attend as spectators.
- These terms and conditions contain important information regarding participation and upon entry you agree to and accept these terms and conditions.
- All participants taking part in Bubble Rush do so at their own risk. In no event shall Brian House Children’s Hospice be liable for any injuries, loss or damages whatsoever.
- Participants must submit an official registration form with the correct non-refundable registration fee.
- All ages of participants are welcome to take part in Bubble Rush.
- Closing date for online entries is Tuesday 28th March at 10am
- The registration fee contributes largely to the cost of staging Bubble Rush and includes your entry pack and fundraising materials. All funds donated or raised in sponsorship go toward patient care provision.
- Under 16s need to be accompanied by a responsible adult, who has also registered for the event.
- Transfer of places is not permitted. If you are unable to attend Bubble Rush after registering, please email 01253 952557
- Registration packs will be posted out, included in the pack will be a voucher to collect your free Bubble Rush t-shirt. T-shirts will need to be collected from the Hospice prior to the event; further details will be included in the pack.
- Sponsor forms are included in your entry pack and must be returned as soon as possible after the Bubble Rush, along with all the fantastic funds you have raised!
- Tick the Gift Aid box where applicable, so we can make your donations go 25% further for our patients. Imagine how much more funds the hospice would receive (at no extra cost to you).
- To create an online fundraising page through JustGiving page please click here
- We ask that all sponsorship and donations are returned to Brian House Children’s Hospice by 15th May 2023. By doing so, Brian House can make sure that we are on target to achieve best possible care to those who need it. You can return your funds via cheque made payable to “Brian House Children’s Hospice”, along with your sponsorship form to Bubble Rush, Brian House Children’s Hospice, Low Moor Road, Blackpool, FY2 0BG, or alternatively you can hand deliver your funds to our main reception between 9-9pm Monday to Sunday.
- All funds raised by your participation in events in support of Brian House Children’s Hospice are raised for the sole purpose and benefit of Brian House Children’s Hospice (registered charity no. 511009) and those who receive the support from its services.
- The Bubble Rush race course is approximately 5km, the route is 2.5k long so to complete the course participants will complete the loop twice…. This means even more bubbles!
- It is not a race and is a non-competitive, non-timed event. Participants can walk, jog or run and bypass bubble stations if necessary.
- Prior to the event, each participant will receive an individual participant number. Please ensure you complete the contact information on the reverse and wear this number to the event. All participants must be accounted for throughout the route. These numbers are unique to you and therefore must not be swapped with other participants. This must be worn over your Bubble Rush t-shirt which has been provided to you.
- For your safety and enjoyment of the event, we ask that you follow and adhere to the instructions given by the event organisers and event marshals.
- If you are unable to complete the 5km route in full, you must inform an event marshal that you are unable to continue and hand in your participant number. Assistance can be sought if required. Brian House Children’s Hospice recommend that where possible participants should walk with an acquaintance or stay with other participants.
- We kindly request that NO DOGS, are brought along to the Bubble Rush. This is in the best interest of your family pet and all those participating. However, please note that Lawson’s Showground is a public place and there may be dogs off the lead that belong to walkers in the area that are unconnected to the event.
- Bubble Rush involves a level of sustained physical activity. Participants make the decision to take part and must be satisfied that this activity is suitable for them as individuals. Neither Brian House Children’s Hospice nor its affiliates can be held accountable for aggravation to illness or injury sustained due to participation in this activity.
- Participants are recommended to seek advice from their medical practitioner prior to taking part in this event, and make provisions to ensure their safe participation. Medical assistance will be available during Bubble Rush.
- Participants are asked to come equipped with whatever necessary clothing, medication and nourishment is required to enable enjoyable and safe participation in this activity.
- We aim to ensure the commencement of the event, however should a decision be necessary to postpone or cancel the event, participants are encouraged to look out for updates via Brian House Children’s Hospice and Trinity Hospice social media channels.
- Should alterations to the planned activity be necessary to ensure safety of our participants, we will give prior notice either before the event or on arrival to the event of any alterations made. This includes any changes to the start time and any additional wave start times.
- Due to the ingredients used for the dyes in the bubbles these may stain clothing. It is the participant’s responsibility to come suitably dressed for the event. The event organisers take no responsibility for colour stains on any shoes or clothing.
- British springtime is known to be changeable, so these conditions may be bright and sunny or cold, wet and windy. Please dress appropriately for the weather on the day.
- Alcohol is not permitted at the event. Brian House Children’s Hospice reserves the right to disqualify anyone who is under the influence of alcohol, whether consumed prior to commencement or during the event. This is done in order to prevent risk to the safety and enjoyment of yourself and others.
- We welcome wheelchair users, however the route is on grass which is uneven and challenging in places, therefore we advise you check your chair can accommodate this and you may wish to bring someone along to help. Please ensure that you have taken this into consideration before booking, if you would like further information please contact the hospice prior to booking for more details.
- By taking part, all participants confirm that they are happy for their names and any footage or photographs taken during the event to be used to publicise or report on Bubble Rush and Brian House Children’s Hospice generally. Should special dispensation be required, it is the responsibility of the participants to inform Brian House Children’s Hospice of such requirements.
- Brian House Children’s Hospice reserves the right to update its terms and conditions in relation to the Bubble Rush at any time prior to the event. All participants will be provided with any updated terms and conditions in advance of the event or on the day of the 5km Bubble Rush.
About the Foam
- The foam mixture is completely natural and safe. We advise younger children to wear swimming goggles or fun sunglasses, as they will be head deep at most foam stations. Be careful when wiping your eyes with your hands if they have frothy suds all over them too.
- The coloured foam is made from food dye and is water soluble as well as environmentally friendly. There is a chance that this foam may stain some lighter coloured push chairs and clothes, so please be aware of this before you come to the event. To be safe we would also advise to bring towels to sit on in the car on your journey home – to avoid any possible stains or grumpy dads!
- The bubble commandos at each station are professionally trained and will not shoot foam directly at your faces. The foam is also drier than most foams, which means you will not be slipping around at the foam stations.
- It’s a good idea to take some precautions to protect your mobile phone/ camera devices. The foam is water based so if you stay in foam too long your devices may get wet. Also your hands will get wet so be careful not to drop that new smartphone into the foam!
What Should I wear?
- You can wear whatever you like – but be aware that the coloured foam can stain clothing so we recommend that you don’t come along in your best clothes.
- We definitely encourage colourful fancy dress! Merchandise like tutus, headbands and sunglasses and available to buy from the Hospice and will also be on sale on the day.
- You may also want to wear something that will help protect your eyes while running through the bubble stations. Sunglasses and goggles will be available to purchase on the day.
- We strongly advise that all participants wear appropriate footwear to ensure their safe and enjoyable participation.
- Participants can take part with a pushchair however be aware that the route takes place on even ground and that the foam could stain the fabric – so it’s OK to park up and carry your little ones through the foam.
- We also suggest that bring a pack that you can take with you around the course to carry goggles, water, and some wet wipes to clean up excess foam. We suggest bringing a change of clothes and shoes, as well as a towel, so you can dry down after the event. Please note that there will be no changing facilities available at the venue.
If you have any further questions about Blackpool Bubble Rush, please check out our F&Qs
Alternatively, call the Fundraising team on 01253 359362 or complete our online enquiry form