Westinghouse volunteers transform Trinity and Brian House Children’s Hospice
12th July 2012
Volunteers from Westinghouse (BNFL’s Springfield site) are helping to transform the Trinity and Brian House grounds in a
programme of outdoor work over the summer months.
Not content with clearing and refurbishing the garden areas around the car parks, they have painted the log cabin and
the furniture in the garden at the Linden Centre, have refurbished the graffiti wall and will be turning their attention
to the window frames before moving onto the garden areas at Brian House Children’s Hospice.
In all around 100 members of staff from a variety of departments at Westinghouse are giving their time and skills to
Lisa Martin, Brian House Community Fundraiser, said: “They are making such a difference here and the partnership
with Westinghouse is a very important one for us. Maintaining the gardens areas is an ongoing process and demands a lot
of time and quite a bit of hard graft.
“We are so grateful to all the volunteers. I find it so rewarding to see the results of their work, which will benefit
patients throughout Trinity and Brian House not just this summer, but for a long time to come.”
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