Here at Brian House we LOVE getting creative! Crafts is one of our favourite things to do because it's something everyone can get involved with. We have a great laugh whilst we're doing them too!

Recently we've been making 'stay safe' rainbows. You may have seen them popping up in windows all over the Fylde coast, including here at Brian House and Trinity Hospice. They're a great idea if you're looking for something to do whilst you're at home and more importantly, they do a great job of cheering people up when they see them!

We're having such a great time making them that we want to invite you to join in the fun with us! We've made a special Brian House template which you can print off and decorate, before sticking up in your house.

We'd also really like to see your masterpiece! Upload your finished pics to Facebook, Twitter and/or Instagram and tag us in. Don't forget to use #OverTheRainbowBH too.


Here's an idea!

Make your rainbow stand out by experimenting with different materials. You could use:

  • Coloured pipe cleaners
  • Glitter (sorry for the mess mum and dad!)
  • Pom poms
  • Paint
  • Chalk
  • Playdough
  • Tissue paper (when you stick it on a window the sun will shine right through!)